Make sure you enter the phone number you typically have used when filling out credit card and financial applications, bank info, mortgage documents, etc. This is usually a home phone number or registered cell phone, not a work number.
Once you hit “Submit”, the screen will refresh and after a short time will display whether the info you entered “exceeded” (passed) or "did not exceed (failed).
Make sure you enter the phone number you typically have used when filling out credit card and financial applications, bank info, mortgage documents, etc. This is usually a home phone number or registered cell phone, not a work number.
Once you hit “Submit”, the screen will refresh and after a short time will display whether the info you entered “exceeded” (passed) or "did not exceed (failed).
Repeat this for all 5 questions
When done, click on the green “Submit” button on the bottom right of the screen
Repeat this for all 5 questions
When done, click on the green “Submit” button on the bottom right of the screen
When you get to the end of the permit application screens, you will see a green “Submit” button. Click that button to submit your permit application to NCDEQ. Note that you will have a chance to review your permit application as a completed PDF before submitting it
On the far right of your permit application record, you will see an “Actions” listbox. Click this to view the actions available for your permit application. Note that you can only edit applications that have a “pending” status. Once a permit application has been submitted, it cannot be edited.
When you get to the end of the permit application screens, you will see a green “Submit” button. Click that button to submit your permit application to NCDEQ. Note that you will have a chance to review your permit application as a completed PDF before submitting it
On the far right of your permit application record, you will see an “Actions” listbox. Click this to view the actions available for your permit application. Note that you can only edit applications that have a “pending” status. Once a permit application has been submitted, it cannot be edited.
How can we improve the portal? Let us know!